Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Our Dog Smokey

Poor Smokey has now gone completly Blind! But we also noticed his eyes were bulging so we took him to the Vet. He is now on three different drops a day and so far we have seen a huge improvement :) So Please keep your fingers crossed that he keeps improving.

Who did your hair Mum ...Elton John?

I got my hair cut and colored yesterday, and when Kyle ( son ) seen it last night he asked the above question! It is a little Bright, I like it But it is taking a bit of getting use to.


They are making bread on Cityline! I think I will have to try making this as I Love making homemade bread.

I always forget about my Blogs :(

I need to get my act together, and do regular Blog Updates. I promise that I will make more of an effort though I think it would help if my friends and online contacts would reply to some of my blog pists, (Hint Hint )