Friday, March 10, 2006

OKAY! GAUGE...I get it now!

The other night I undone the hooded cardigan AGAIN! for the second time! The first time it looked too small(I had done a gauge and changed my needle size) But stupid me failed to notice that this pattern is a short style I like4 to wear my stuff a little longer, but I just followed along with the pattern and went with the measurement for the length and for me it was just wayyyyyyyy too short, soooooooooooooooo I undone it all the back and two front panels, now do not ask me why I then started again and used the size needles reccomended when I had already done a Guage and knew I had to use smaller needles??? So after I got the back and the two front panels done yet again! I looked at it and it was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to wide so I undone it AGAIN! I did a Gauge again just to make sure and started yet agin this time it seems to be CORRECT!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO for all you new knitters that do not understand GAUGE! Believe me you really need to do this if you don'y want to keep undoing all your hard work! I know some people just have a natural nack for this sort of thing, I guess I do not! I swear I will awlays do a GAUGE from now on!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Why is my info stuff and my blogs I visit all way down the page?? HELP ANYONE PLEASE???

Monday, March 06, 2006

I haven't written in here in about a week!

I guess I have been busy??
Anyway last Wed I bought the book...Knitting Pretty By Kris Percival to go with the Crochet one I got the week before, it has some wonderful patterns in it that I can't wait to try.
I am still working on the Poncho for my neice in Australia, in fact I haven't picked it up in over a week, as I have been busy making Barbie Doll Clothes for my friends daughter. I have to admit I just love making Barbie Doll Clothes I love putting the finished outfits on my Barbie Doll(My Model) But you know what I found out and I never knew this until I started knitting Barbie Doll Clothes, but all Barbie Dolls are not the same size, as sometimes I make the clothes they fit my Barbie Doll then I take them to my friends hose and some of the clothes are too small or too big yet they also have official Barbie Dolls. that is so weird, and anoying to say the least!
I think what I really need to do is make a plan to FINISH OFF all the projects I have on the go before I start any knew ones(I wonder if I will ever actually do this?) LOL!
On the weekend I went with my husband (Vern) out to Stevson where he was working and I finally got to go into the Craft/Yarn Store there(It is never usually open when he is working out there as it is usually late at night) But he had to work on Saturday out there, so I crawled out of bed @ 5.30AM so I could go with him, I slept in the car on the dock wheile he worked then when the store finally opened @ 9.30AM I was the first customer of the day! It was well worth it, :) I spent about $60.00 and could have spent more but hubby was with me and he was saying can we go now I want to go to the secondhand store LOL! He hates going into a craft or yarn store or a book store with me I could spend all day there :) I did get some yarn and a free pattern to make a baby blanket though I bought extra wool and I am going to make the blanket bigger as a TV blanket for myself. :) I even got two really cute cat rubber stamps for my embossing, and I bought two poncho pattern books, one a childrens one the other an adult one, both have knitting and crochet patterns in them. OH! and I was sooo happy to find the handy crafter cotton that was out at christmas in the white with the gold fleck and the white with the siler fleck I love this stuff to make evening gowns for Barbie it looks great :) I plan to go back there in a few weeks time once I have done my taxes :) I also got a pile of those FREE patterns that most stores have, but this store had ;ots of really old ones I have never seen, I got about 50 old free patterns I have never seen . :) There were a few sock patterns in there so my plan is to get all my projects finished then work on making my first pair of SOCKS! Thats the plan anyway, lets see if I can do it?