Sunday, February 26, 2006

I have been doing laundry most of the day!

With a few breaks in between to finish off a scarf that I need to mail to England on Wed, but I still have another one to knit before then to mail with it aswell. I also made an Irish Cottage Pie for dinner, I found the recipe in a new Irish cookbook that I got in my Avon Order today! My hubby said it was the best cottage pie I had ever made(And he loves my cottage pies) so I guess this one will go in my fave recipes file to make often :)
I am full up with a cold, so I have a hot lemon drink sitting here at the computer with me, in hope that it will help me sleep, I have to work tomorrow and I usually have Mondays off , but this week I have Friday off instead.
I still need to make the Barbie Doll Evening Gown for Lily, I promised her I would make one for the Barbie Doll she got for Christmas, and I still have not got around to doing it.
I did make a hat with those ear flaps on the other night and it turned out great, but it just does not look good on me, I am not a hat person, so I guess I will be giving this hat away, I do have a pattern to make a hooded scarf on the knifty knitter, and as I seem to look okay in a hooded scarf I think I'll make that for myself, I always seem to make things and give them away I want something for me! :)

Saturday, February 25, 2006

I signed up for a sock knitting class!

It is not until the end of March but I really want to make a pair of socks! I also signed up for a Crochet class, as all I can crochet is Granny Squares and I would love to be able to do more with crochet as I love it. :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Books I bought today!

I went to the little knitting/craft store in Deep Cove today(Room 6) and I bought myself...Cozy Crochet By Melissa Leapman and I also bought the box of Knitting on the Go...25 Chic and Easy Patterns By Kris Percival. I picked up a few extra hours at work so I thought it was okay to spend a little on myself :)

Monday, February 20, 2006

I need help please!

I would like to add to the side bar on the right of my blog a list of blogs I like to read, but I am unsure how to do this? Can someone please advise me how to do this? I tried following the help instructions but could not figure out how to do it?

I knitted this Tea Cozy A few months ago....

And in fact I need to knit a new one, this one has been so welled used it is all stained and just won't come clean anymore. :( And as I am a huge tea drinker I have to have a pretty tea cozy, maybe I will look for a fun felted one to do, I have never done felting and I really want to give it a try.

I thought I would also share the Baby Blanket and Dolly Balnket I made last year...

I made both for my friends two daughters. I made the baby blanket for the new baby, so then also made a dolly blanket for my friends 2 1/2 year old so she would not feel left out.

WoW! I can't Believe How Many Wonderful Ladies....

have already stopped by my new blog and offered to help me learn how to use this very new system for me! You ladies are amazing I thank you from the bottom of my heart. {{{BIG HUHS}}}

Here is the Crochet Tea Cozy ......

I made after I had my lesson from Ann Marie, I don't think I will be able to make it again! :)

It is Sooooooooooooooooo~COLD~ Here!

I am going to go sit and crochet for a while and get myself a hot water bottle! BRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Man it feels like it is going to SNOW! I should crochet a huge blanket to keep me warm LOL!
I have to get my act together and finish my hooded cardigan as it is perfect for Spring and that is just around the corner I HOPE? :)

Now that I have moved all my old Journal posts

from bravenet, I am hopping that here I will at least get the odd comment, I will have to figure out how to add photos of my finished work as I get them done, but that will take time. :)

Over the last few days I have been busy working on a Granny Square Poncho for my 3 year old neice living in Australia. I had an old large Granny Square Blanket that I had made about 10 years ago, I noticed it had a huge hole in it, so I undone the whole thing and have been re-uing the yarn, and as all I can do in crochet is granny squares..LOL! Hence a granny square poncho LOL! I found a pattern online for a plus size granny square poncho so I have just made the squares way smaller so as to fit the poncho for my neice. I have never met her, so I have been using the children I look after as a nanny for the size LOL! To make the poncho you do 2 larger squares then 8 smaller onse I have 6 of the small squares left to make before I start to put it together.

Well That Was Exciting!

Wednesday, January 25th 2006
7:54 AM

Well that was exciting! LOL!
On Monday Jan 23rd 2006, I went over the border to bellingham with Cathy and Deb from my craft group! When we got to the US Border, we had to go inside as I am not a canadian I am only a landed immigrant, so I had to be finger printed and my photo taken then a card is put in my passport that has a little micro chip in it that tells tham when I go into or leave the U.S.A.
The trip it self was lots of fun I managed to get the knitting puzzle I have been looking for,(Vern and I were working on it last night ) I also got the Dummies Scrapbooking starter kit that nobody up here in Canada seems to have So I was very happy to find these two items I have been wanting I also got some Peaches & cream Cotton in a color I haven't seen up here in Canada Oh and I got these two little knitting pattern books, and one of them had a knitted bookmark pattern in it so I was happy, as all the ones I see seem to be crochet and we all know how good I am at that! LOL!
I finished The Shop On Blossom Street By Debbie Macomber ... yesterday and now I am reading the next book in that new series... A Good Yarn.

These posts were on my Bravenet Journal..

Sunday, January 22nd 2006.....1:06 AM

I started on the back tonight!
I am nearly up to the shaping of the arm hole! It knits up fast, so I am very happy now that I un-done it all and started again!
I can't wait for Monday, when I go on a Yarn Crawl with Deb and cathy from my Purls 'N' Lace yahoo Group, it should be lots of fun, I don't have much money to spend, but it is the fun and friendship that is what counts! I have made some wonderful friends in my craft group and always look forward to Wed Noghts when we meet up Even if I just take note of stuff that I want, I can always go again when I have more spare money, or get Deb or Cathy to get me what I want next time they go... Once summer comes and Vern is getting more hours I will have extra cash to buy more STASH! LOL!

5:50 PM
I started The Shop On Blossom Street, this afternoon!
I am up to chapter 5 already, and I just love it! It won't take me long to finish this book!
I had a green ink disaster last night, my son somehow knocked over a bottle of green in for my ink pen and it went all over my library book... A Good Yarn, and also all over my new book that I bought last Wed... Yarn Harlet...The Secret Life Of A Knitter... I finished it this afternoon while soaking in a bubble bath, at least I was still able to read the last 2 chapters! But man what a mess! green ink all over the carpet, how I got it all out still amazes me, I poured salt all over it and let soak into the salt then I vacuumed that up it all came out! Thank goodness!

Posts from my Bravenet Journal....

Saturday, January 21st 2006

1:14 AM
I think I need a Craft Journal!
As I am so active with crafts, I think it is a good idea to do just a craft journal!
My fave crafts are Knitting, Srapbooking and Embossing.

At the moment I am reading the book...Yarn Harlot..The Secret Life Of A Knitter.... By Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, I read her other book a few weeks ago... Medations for the women who knits too much.
Next I plan to read the books... The Shop On Blossom Street,... and A Good Yarn,... Both By Debbie Macomber,... these books are yarn/knitter stories.
What I am knitting at the moment... A hooded/zippered cardigan,... a hand towel,... a dishcloth,... and a Barbie Doll Poncho.

4:51 PM
Getting Organized!
I started the day...By undoing the hooded/zippered Cardigan, it just was not long enough for how I like to wear them, yes I could have just added a ribbed band as it does not have a ribbing band but it did not take me long to knit the back and the two front panels, so I just decided instead of fiddling around with something that I have never done before I would just undo it and start again!
Next I got a little knitter starter kit ready, as I promised one of the ladies I babysit for that I would teach her and her two children to knit, so I went to Michaels last night and got two sets of kids knitting needles and a corker, I already had a set of needles I can give to my friend(How is it I end up with more than one set of the same size needles all the time??) LOL! I have loads of spare balls of yarn in my stash, that I will never use as it is just the odd ball that I doubt I will be able to find the same dye lot again its been sitting in my stash for years... many are balls people/friends have given to me! So I will use that to teach them to knit why go buy yarn when I have loads to spare, and my Hubby is always asking why do you keep buying more yarn yopu have loads stashed all over the house(This is true)
Next I did a little tidy up of my knitting basket that sits under my coffee table, OMG! I have no idea how this basket gets so over flowwing, I had empty candy wrappers in there, and a broken bamboo needle I have no idea where the other one is, or even why I kept the broken one?? I even found a photo copy of a pattern that I have been looking for, for weeks, I thought I had lost it I think I need to clean this basket out more often, say like weekly LOL!
I now need to decide what knitting project I will take with me tonight to do while I am babysitting? Do I take the hooded/zippered cardigan and start that again, or do I take something that is half finished so I can actually get it finished so I can then start on the cardigan again?

5:07 PM
I have always told people yes I can crochet! But can I ??? All I can do is crochet granny squares or do a long cord of chain stitch! LOL! I can't follow a crochet pattern, well not much, yes I can do all the stitches if I sit with a learn to crochet book open and do them from that, but give me a pattern and I am LOST! Though one night at my craft group Ann Marie was teaching us all to crochet so I went home and I followed a easy teas-cozy pattern(Yes me) and I made a lovely crochet tea-cozy that I promptly gave away to a friend, now it took me two nights to crochet this tea-cozy but if I tried to do it again now I would not be able to do it, I would need another lesson from Ann Marie then need to rush home and make it straight away! Now why is it that I can knit and follow a pattern and even figure out new things or rember when someone explains a knitting thing yet crochet just causes me sooooooooooooo much stress??

I have decided to moove my Blog...

to a service here that has more craft bloggers on it, as my poor blog on bravenet seems all alone LOL!
I will though copy and paste my old posts from there onto this new blog, then start adding current stuff as it happens. :)